Monday, June 2, 2008

YSHC Specialty Show - A Bust!

Hi Woody
Nothing exciting to report here. We went to the Yankee Show and I personally did zippo. I thought mom looked nice though - she wore my color. But I think I look whiter when she rolls in mud??? Another white guy won our class, so that's good for the family.

Tula actually did OK in Rally but Miss W screwed up and missed half the first excercise (can she read or not?!) so the judge gave her a fat NQ. Oh well.

What's going on over there across the pond?

Here is a preview of the lovely photos Miss W is ordering from ThreePairs Photography (check out page 4-6 I think). If she ever gets to it, there should be loads of new photos on our website from this photographer.
Lots of love,
Java Bean