Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Congratulations Darka

Wow Darka, thats fantastic. I'm so proud of you. I have shown your picture to all my friends here, especially Minnie and Nakki, they were so impressed. Tell me, what has Miss W got on...she has legs? Over here nobody wears skirts when they show. Mum sort of dressed up at the last show, she put on a red top. I thought it was too posh so i jumped up and put a Woody paw mark right in the middle of it.

A little bird (well, granny Donna) told me that my bruvs JB and Bhodi did well recently too, working towards your Rally degrees and Bhodi got his Canine Good Citizen too. That's brilliant, i am so proud of you guys.

I hear Berlin is coming along well too..... will you post some pictures of my family soon so i can boast about you all to my friends over here.

I think we are going training tomorrow and at the weekend. Mum's back is still bad so she won't be doing much. I was supposed to be going to a show tomorrow with her and Mac and Aunty Sharon but we are not going in case i pull her over!

Hmmm, i smell roast lamb and roast potatoes so mum says i have to finish now as she wants her dinner! i wonder if i will get some roast lamb?

Well done again to you Darka and my bruvs. Love to mum Rainey and my pal Boomer.

Woody Woo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx