Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Java Bean at the York County Show

Hi Woody, Judy, Hugh and all the woofs over there!
Java Bean here...

Miss W and I went with Scott and Corina to the York County show this past Saturday. I won my class and then took Reserve Winners. We had fun. Blossom could not come, she got stung on the nose by a wasp or something and was looking like a Shar Pei with a fur coat. She also threw up for 2 days so Miss W was worried she would feel worse travelling and walk around the ring with her ears in her armpits.

We stopped for ice cream on the way home, but Miss W (that hog!) did not share any!

I had fun anyway cuz me and Pando got to ride in the back seat together on a soft blanket and we listened to our mums the whole way. I love gossip! Scott drove, so the mum's were free to yammer away.

Well, I think Miss W may take me to the Yankee Speciality... cross your paws for me!

Lu u u u u U v to all...